Ishmael Wepia Kabangeam is a reliable, professional and results-oriented young entrepreneur poised for greatness Born into a business family, Ishmael grew doing and loving to do business and to be a great and successful entrepreneur. Ishmael is the founder and CEO of God’s Gift Thessly Ventures; into the production and distribution of bottled and Sachet Yoghurt and bakery.
Ishmael Wepia Kabangeam has been groomed professionally in business through the KNUST Business Clinic, Technoserve, ENGINE Business Network, Northern Ghana Association of Entrepreneurs, Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Several pieces of training, business meetings and business competitions.
In terms of experience, Ishmael has successfully founded and managed a yoghurt and bakery business for 7 years now and in the process of scaling up and going into related diversification.
Ishmael also has relevant experience in civil engineering, surveying, mining, water and sanitation, and construction management through my training in KNUST which awarded me BSc. Geomatic Engineering and MSc. Construction Management. He has significant work experience in the above fields.
Plans are far advanced to venture into engineering consultancy and construction works.